Friday 21 February 2014

What happened to Tom?

When he was walking through Cairo, something happened to our friend 
Tom. Let's discover what with this e-mail he sent us! 

The  mysteries of Cairo

Last night in Cairo, I was bored at my apartment so I decided to go outside. It was very late and I was wandering around the city, when something unexpected happened...

While I was walking in a dark street, someone grabbed me on my shoulder, and just when I stretched my hand to grab my knife, I heard a familiar voice: "Tom! What are you doing in Cairo old friend!?"

I couldn't believe my eyes! My old school friend, Harry, whoI hadn't seen in 10 years was standing right in front of me! "I'm travelling around the world! I've always wanted to visit Egypt! And you? What are you doing here?"

I studied Egyptology at university, and then I moved here, to discover new things about ancient Egypt! "But Harry, are there any interesting things about ancient Egypt?"  

Suddenly, he showed me a key! "Do you know what this opens?" he said. "Let's discover it!" And then he winked an eye.

We walked for a while around the darkest streets of Cairo, and  we finally arrived at a very big building. "This is it, the Egyptian Museum of Antiquities, the most important museum in Cairo. Would you like a private tour?"

I couldn't believe it! The museum was completely empty, there weren't any people! I said "yes", of course.  Harry opened the doors and I felt as if I were in Ancient Egypt. I will try to explain briefly what Harry told me.

And then, Harry suddenly said:
Come on, follow me! Let's discover Ancient Egypt!
So we arrived at the first room,

There was a model of Cairo of the time when the Pharaohs lived. There were many shacks, so I asked: Were there any skyscrapers?". "Of course not, my silly friend! There were houses for the poor people, made of mud and straw, big villas for the rich and powerful people and pyramids, that were giant tombs for the pharaohs and temples, were the people used to pray. People didn't live in skyscrapers...

This shocked me! I couldn't believe people used to live in those houses! I'm used to living with electricity, with my play station and my cell phone. Life used to be less comfortable and tougher than now.

And then, Harry suddenly said:
Come on, follow me! Let's discover Ancient Egypt!
So we arrived at the second room,

I was still surprised by the big differences that existed between the rich and poor Egyptians. So I asked Harry about how Egyptians were, because they lived 5000 years before us besides the river Nile, so I'm sure there were many differences between us. "Were there only rich and poor people?"
More or less, people were divided into different social groups. There was the Pharaoh, the most powerful person in Egypt; the noble class, with great influence and lifestyle; the peasants, poor but free citizens; and finally the slaves, that were forced to work and live in poor conditions. The family in which they were born would determine their social class and their work. If they were born in a poor family, they would be poor forever.

This used to be the way the society was organized back then, but fortunately this has changed! Now there aren't any slaves nor Pharaohs, and our society is more egalitarian but rich people still has great power.

And then, Harry suddenly said:
Come on, follow me! Let's discover Ancient Egypt!
So we arrived at the third room

Which walls were decorated with strange figures. I was amazed by these odd paintings, so I asked my friend about them. "Were there many painters in ancient Egypt?" "No there weren't! In fact these aren't paintings! You see, Egyptians used to write messages on the walls. This kind of writing was called hieroglyphics, but later it evolved into a more simple way of writing with smaller characters that they wrote on papyruses. This writing system is called demotic script."

Demotic script is more similar to our writing, because we write on papers and not on the walls.

And then, Harry suddenly said:
Come on, follow me! Let's discover Ancient Egypt!
So we arrived at the fourth room

Where I asked him, "Are there more cool things about ancient Egypt?"

I saw something shine in the dark. I went closer and I saw a golden beetle. I asked Harry why there was a beetle in the museum, and he answered me. "Were there many beetles in ancient Egypt?" "It isn't a beetle, it's called a Scarab and it is one of the most important symbols of ancient Egypt. There were many others in this civilization that represented life, death and the gods like the Eye of Ra, the Eye of Horus and the Key of Life.

The symbols that represent us now nowadays, are more modern and less meaningful. Some of them are the dollar, coca-cola, apple and McDonald's.
And then, Harry suddenly said:
Come on, follow me! Let's discover Ancient Egypt!
So we arrived at the fifth room...
Harry started talking about traditions about Egypt, the things that made him study Egyptology. "Egyptians are one of the most amazing civilizations in history. Do you like cats? Did you know that cats were sacred?  And... Do you know what? They had a lot of gods! They had gods for almost everything and quite often their faces looked like animals. "Were there gods with cat faces?" Sure, and others looked like crocodiles or snakes. "And mummies? Were there mummies in Egypt?" Yes! Egyptians are much known for that! Priests took rich people's brains out of their noses with a hot iron stick, and then they wrapped them around with fabric, turning them into mummies.

And then, Harry suddenly said:
Come on, follow me! I think I heard a mummy...
And then he winked an eye...

So, we decided to leave the museum, but then, suddenly, something grabbed my shoulder... Laughing, I told Harry " Stop doing that, it frightens me!" But Harry said: "Stop doing what?" So I realized that we weren't alone in the museum, and we started to shout and run hysterically away from that haunted place...

What a scary story, wasn't it? 

And those were many interesting facts about Ancient Egypt! Did you know everything? I myself have learnt a lot!

Do you have any questions for Tom or his friend Harry? Write them on the comments!

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